Login Registration System Using Php, Mysqli & Ajax
  • https://www.atechseva.com/demo/login-registration-system-using-php-and-ajax/
  • Secure Registration System with PHP and MySQL

    The Login Registration System In PHP is a simple project developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP & MySQL.


    • Verify user by email
    • Forgot Password
    • Reset password using email


    Software Requirement(any one)

    • WAMP Server
    • XAMPP Server

    Installation Steps

    1. Download zip file and Unzip file on your local server.
    2. Put this file inside "c:/wamp/www/" .
    3. Database Configuration
    4. Open phpmyadmin
    5. Create Database named login-registration-system.
    6. Import database login-registration-system.sql from downloaded folder(inside database)
    7. Open Your browser put inside "http://localhost/login-registration-system-using-php-and-ajax/"
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